В2В meetings
On the second day of the ATOMEX - Europe 2017 Forum Hungarian suppliers will be provided with individual business meetings with representatives of the nuclear industry organizations in the B2B format.
The participants of B2B meetings of Rosatom State Corporation key organizations
ASE is one of the world leaders in nuclear engineering business. Company covers 31% of the global NPP construction market. ASE’ Subsidiaries operate in 15 countries, 80% of the company’s portfolio falls on the overseas orders.
ASE has a solid basement of the half-century experience of the Russian nuclear industry construction history and at the same time uses modern innovative technologies. Today ASE creates reliable and safe nuclear power plants with VVER-type reactors of the new generation 3+ which meet all the international requirements and recommendations.
At present ASE Group is building NPPs in different countries, such as Belarus, Bangladesh, Turkey, Hungary and others. In particular, in Hungary ASE is the general contractor for the construction of Paks-2 NPP.
ASE Group also has competences in engineering and construction for Waste&Spent Fuel Management, Decommissioning, engineering and construction of TPPs and Research Reactors. ASE provides full range of EPC, EPC(M) and PMC services for complex engineering facilities of any type.

Rusatom Energy International (REIN Akkuyu NPP) is an affiliate of Rosatom State Corporation. Company was established in 2011 to promote Russian nuclear technologies in the world market.
Since 2015 REIN specializes in development of international project on construction & operation of nuclear power plants (NPP), designed in Russia, under conditions of being a shareholder of project companies.
Today, the company manages development of two construction projects: 4 units’ Akkuyu NPP in Turkey and one-unit Hanhikivi-1 NPP in Finland.
REIN is a majority shareholder of JSC AKKUYU NUKLEER that was founded in Turkey in 2011 to implement the project of construction and subsequent operation of Akkuyu NPP in Mersin Province.
The single-unit NPP Hanhikivi-1 construction project is implemented by RAOS Project, which has been the general supplier of NPP Hanhikivi-1 since April 2015. RAOS Project Oy, established in Finland in February 2015, is 100% JSC REIN affiliate. Another JSC REIN affiliate – RAOS Voima Oy was founded in Finland in 2014, company owns 34 % shares of Fennovoima, which is the Owner and NPP operator in the future.


Аtomenergomash (AEM, Сompany, Group) is a machine building division of ROSATOM State Atomic Energy Corporation. One of the leading Russian power engineering companies, a supplier of efficient integrated solutions for nuclear and thermal power plants, natural gas and petrochemical industry, shipbuilding and special steel market.
- over 20 enterprises in Russia and abroad
- about 22% coverage of domestic power engineering market
- about ,18 000 employees
- equipment manufactured by AEM is operated in over 20 countries worldwide
Enterprises of JSC Atomenergomash stood at the origins of nuclear industry in Russia. They combine scientific and industrial potential currently to play a leading role in the largest industrial projects creating the energy sector of the future based on common efforts.


RAOS Project (REIN Hanhikivi NPP) is a subsidiary of Rusatom Energy International, a division of Rosatom State Corporation.
RAOS Project is Fennovoima’s general contractor for the construction of the Hanhikivi Nuclear Power Plant. With the Hanhikivi peninsula in the municipality of Pyhäjoki selected as its location, the NPP unit will produce 3,220 MW of heat and 1,200 MW of electricity. Featuring a Russian VVER-1200 reactor, the project will be adapted to the Finnish safety requirements. The single-unit Hanhikivi NPP is expected to start its commercial operation in 2024.
RAOS Project is represented in Pyhäjoki, Helsinki, Saint Petersburg and Moscow.


JSC Rusatom Automated Control Systems is a subsidiary of Rosatom State Corporation offering integrated solutions on I&C design, development, commissioning, maintenance and modernization, both for nuclear facilities and industrial enterprises of various sectors. JSC RASU is currently involved in a number of international projects in the Middle East and North Africa, Central and Western Europe, South Asia.
In particular, within a construction of the fifth and sixth power units of the NPP "Paks" JSC RASU performs a complex of works on industrial control system: design, complete supply of equipment, commissioning and balancing works.
